• About •
my promise
My deep passion for helping and caring for others has found its ideal home in health and wellness coaching. As your partner in this exploration of wellness, I am uniquely skilled at helping you come to your own answers for the challenges you encounter. We look at whole health and connect the dots between habits that are working for you and ones that are not. My unconditional presence and expert listening skills allow our sessions to organically take shape to address the here and now. With a breadth of knowledge from a nutrition and wellness background, I empower you to feel capable to make sustainable shifts in your lifestyle and begin to finally feel better…….physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
• Hello, I’m Jane •
my journey
My deep passion for helping and caring for others has found its ideal home in health and wellness coaching. As your ally in this exploration of wellness, I am uniquely skilled at helping you come to your own answers for the challenges you encounter. We look at whole health and connect the dots between habits that are working for you and ones that are not. My unconditional positive regard and expert listening skills allow our sessions to organically take shape to address the here and now. With a breadth of knowledge from a nutrition and wellness background, I empower you to feel capable to make sustainable shifts in your lifestyle and begin to finally feel better…….physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
I began learning about nutrition in my adolescence while involved in figure skating and dance. My love of both exercise and nutrition led to a career encompassing work in hospital dietetics, home health care, and outpatient care. Having a passion for genuinely helping people create positive, lasting lifestyle changes led me to seek additional training to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. With my core belief and understanding that well-being is much more than food and exercise, I enrolled in my health coach training program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). Personally and professionally, I craved more knowledge about whole health, the many dimensions of wellness and how to create authentic whole health in my own life. Now I can share even more expertise, knowledge, and experience with my clients.
As your health coach, I partner with you on your journey; helping you find balance in not only what is on your plate, but in what is off your plate. I empower you to examine all that nourishes your body and mind and discover gentle ways to improve your quality of life.
I’ve been a registered dietitian for thirty years and a mom for twenty four years. With a foundation and certification in Intuitive Eating, raising five children has given me the opportunity to nurture the natural intuitive eater within each of my children and reclaim my own as well. Raising children is fulfilling and rewarding, but if you are like me, we tend to put our own health second. We are all born with this innate ability, but the external world we live in can cause us to begin to ignore natural messages from our bodies. Detrimental dieting, food rules, media messages of what we “should” look like, cause us to abandon our natural intuitive eater within.
• Holistic Harmony •
As your health coach I partner with you; helping you find balance in not only what is on your plate, but what is off your plate. I empower you to examine all that nourishes your body and mind and discover gentle ways to improve your quality of life.